A Joy A Day Keeps the Doctor Away — MINI POST

The degree to which stress, attitude, belief and anxiety directly affect our aging and health may not (thus far) be settled science. Yet, we don’t need research to confirm it’s true. Still, where does that knowledge leave us?  Why and how does it matter to us?

A local friend recently sent me a greeting card – one of those artistic kinds with thoughtful, creative words and imaginative photos. It included a short poem by one of her favorite American/Canadian poets.

Everything I love most…
happens most every day.

–Howard Norman

The simplicity of that sentiment struck me profoundly. I left the card sitting where I would frequently view it, long beyond its past-due date for the occasion. I continue to observe it when I walk by, and it has created cyclic pondering. If you remember my blog “The Happiness Trap – How to Avoid Snares,” you will also recall that it’s not easy to either define or ‘find’ happiness. The tricky search for happiness can entrap us in vicious circles.  In contrast, feelings of contentment can be improved by altering our intentions (choices, actions, attitude). Being conscious is most important.

With that in mind, I was touched by Norman’s poem since so many of our days include essential or meaningful occurrences for us. That is, if we take notice. Whether it be a kiss from a loved one, attending a good lecture, listening to a favorite piece of music, enjoying the sun’s warmth, or ringing up an old friend, it can happen every day. The opportunities for these moments may be endless, and we can stimulate more of them ourselves. These times bring enjoyment – or ‘something of joy,’ if we determine to see it that way.

On a Saturday radio show, I recently happened to hear a speaker for Jamesongraber.blogspot.com (a religious mathematical and science site). In Latin, he restated Rene Descartes’ “I think, therefore I am” as:

“Cogito, ergo sum blogo”
(I think, therefore, I blog)

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Well, gag. While writing and maintaining a blog myself, I understand the work it requires. Nevertheless, not all blog-thinking is consistently clear. Therefore, to shun obtuse language and avoid misunderstanding, I’d like to clarify my simple take-away. I offer this musing as another arrow in your quiver to hit quality aging.

If we make it our intention to create, or just notice, those things we love happening every day – no matter how simple or small they may be – then I suspect we will experience a surge in such moments. Apart from the innate value of these Everyday Enjoyments, they will enhance our health, contentment and pleasure for a long while to come.

Picture credit: Woman-dog-mountain-ocean-garden walk, via Antranias 892309-1920 at Pixabay



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