Micro Thought
Zoom, zoom, zoom, zoom. No, I’m not complaining about constant, online, virtual meetings. Instead, this is the sound of the highway. Cars and trucks passing by, usually at twice my speed.
Some of us are on the move constantly, others only occasionally. Either way, it reminded me that even when “on the move,” we need to continue emphasizing movement for our physical and mental health.
Examples of Moving when on the Go
Since a picture is worth a million words (upgraded from a thousand, considering inflation of the times), here are examples that may speak to you.
Walking/Hiking (good ol’ standard)
Great upper body workout, and always cool on the water (although hat necessary for the sun). Additionally, not all canoes or kayaks are restricted to upper body. Some new products (although more expensive), include foot-pedal assist. These can include little paddle boats or kayaks with sophisticated foot-pedal drive designs. BTW, no pictures of me from the front was included as my life-vest was unhooked in all of them. (Naughty-naughty).
PizzazzEE-25 or similar workouts
On a recent camping trip, I was able to perform PizzazzEE twice. Once with a yoga cushion, I was able to do the entire program. Another time, my husband and I finished the first half, which is still a good workout.
Whether standard, upright, recumbent or electric, you are still peddling. That’s a great life motto “keep peddling.”
Climbing or Bouldering?
Okay, no, that’s a joke for most of us.
Not offering a picture, but I did have my bathing suit with me. A reminder to all that bringing along a suit is not just for the hot tub.
Since Aging with Pizzazz is our goal here, it’s vital to keep the idea of “Movin’ when on the Move” in mind. Ah yes, and moving when we are just around the house is perhaps even more important (as it’s any day and every day). To borrow a phrase from the not-too-long-ago past — keep on, keepin’ on.
Picture credits – taken by author

just love seeing pictures of you both no matter what you’re doing…..about 9 months ago I made a contract with myself to speed walk 100 miles a month…..and did it every month till the end of June….(doing a 16 to 27 min. mile for 5 miles)…..then in July I stopped…..and took the month off….first it got too hot even at 4:30 in the morning (remember what Az. is like in July?) and my feet were killing me…..now that it’s Aug. I think I will try to start again but without a time expectation or a milage requirement…
maybe just a “brisk walk” for as long as I can take the heat…..will start my 83rd year
this year so have to stop thinking I’m 25, or 45, or 65…..love to you both and thanks for the nudge….
Yes, remember Arizona well. Hot says it.
Barbara, I loved seeing a picture of you!
Love seeing the travel pictures, and the new wheels. Keep movin’!