This post contains the announcement I have striven for since starting Aging-With-Pizzazz in 2014. In great part, it was the very reason I began the blog (which more than one person calls a “newsletter”). So finally, the day is here and I can now make the announcement.
I am proud to introduce the gentle conditioning workout routine, PizzazzEE-25.
It has taken approximately 19 years to develop (guess no one can accuse me of being impulsive) and 2-3 years to produce. I can assure you I would not have dedicated so much of my life to this project without believing it has significant benefit. Not least among those benefits are 3 rather-universal goals:
- greater comfort
- physical freedom to enjoy activities and
- longer independence
PizzazzEE-25 is an “app” that can be used on any device – phone, computer, and tablet. Best yet, while helpful for many age-groups, it was developed specifically for those in their Second 50 years. You may hear echoes there of the Aging-with-Pizzazz tag line of “Youngevity for your Second 50 years.”
Instead of describing all of PizzazzEE-25 to you, I’m simply providing a link to it. The video introduction (about 7 minutes) will explain the unique approach and broad benefits of the program. I hope you will watch it – AND give it a try. Click on the icon picture below.
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