Blind as a Bat No More – Guest Writer

Eye Blue Border Cocoparisienne Via Pixabay

With this blog post, let me introduce a guest writer and friend, Lorraine Vail (author of From Any Window). I am privileged to have her write for Aging With Pizzazz and share an experience I have not had. Several people I know, and many I’ve heard in passing, complain of aging eyes and possible surgery. … Read more

An ABN form could cost you LOTS of money. —Do you know what it is?

Logos Of Health Insurance Companies W.highlight

Does this sound somewhat familiar?  You enter a doctor’s office for the first time; you look around awkwardly.  You are handed a clipboard with numerous forms on it (unless you were instructed to fill them out electronically from home).  There could be a big bad surprise in that pile of……………..forms. Typically, people don’t LIKE going … Read more