Guest Writer’s Best Tips on Air Travel for Seniors

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Note from drb: Say the word ‘summer’ and the idea of ‘vacation’ may not be far behind. I don’t have much planned for myself this year, but recently got back from a short car trip – in some ways an easier type of travel than most. Yet, there are pros and cons of all travel, … Read more

Bucket List Addition: Backyard Birding Literacy

Western Screech Owls Az Croped

I will never be a ‘birder.’  It takes far too much discipline and determination.  Not to mention the almost vow-like commitment to long trips attempting to view the winged creatures, and early morning rising.  [Are they really just morning people to begin with?] I am not even including the birders who devote entire vacation allotments … Read more

Does Camping Qualify as FUN? – Maybe Yes, Maybe NO.

Camping Fun Cropped

Now that summer is waning and the winds have started to disperse the smoke-drenched skies of the west, I can approach the question of camping in a more relaxed manner.  I may have the broadest definition of ‘camping’ than anyone you will ever meet.  To me it is any way to experience nature or sit … Read more

Just for Fun — Celebrate National Tell a Joke Day

Laughing Pics

It’s summer.  There should be a little fun here.  Posts about fun may not be my forte, but what the heck.  I guess I have always thought that the small joys experienced in our everyday life that make us laugh are best.  I enjoy these daily, and still tend to think that ‘joys’ and ‘jokes’ … Read more