Fellowship of the Rope

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I recently found myself in the middle of a make-shift reunion with some of my husband’s friends. As they met in our home, I played the quintessential ‘fifth wheel.’ At the same time, I had been considering a blog-nod to several of the friendship acknowledgement days coming up. Organizations around the world celebrate the noble … Read more

Guest Writer’s Best Tips on Air Travel for Seniors

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Note from drb: Say the word ‘summer’ and the idea of ‘vacation’ may not be far behind. I don’t have much planned for myself this year, but recently got back from a short car trip – in some ways an easier type of travel than most. Yet, there are pros and cons of all travel, … Read more

It’s NOT too Late! For What?

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(A Medi Post) Often, I feel overwhelmed with life’s chores. Granted, I may have a mild, but everlasting personality flaw for ‘over-commitment,’ which expands that chore list. My mind can be quiet for sure. Tranquil. Laid-back. Yet more often it goes a mile a minute. Functionally, I can’t keep up. Too many days I crave … Read more

April Fools Hoax? There’s a New Organ in Your Body?

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I remember toting around the hefty Gray’s Anatomy book for years, like a preacher carries a bible.  Anyone who has ever taken anatomy classes, or been in pre-med or medical programs, has lugged the ‘anatomical bible’ as well. Admittedly, this probably only rings true for the “olden days” as I assume Gray’s is now typically … Read more

Income & Mental Health ………………. Does it Matter what Rung of the Ladder You’re on?

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As Valentine’s Day approaches we see articles concentrating on flowers, chocolates, love and hearts or some variation like heart health.  My Aging-with-Pizzazz variation includes health too – mental health.  Specifically, metal health from a societal prospective.  Maybe I have a little love snuck in here or there between the lines to honor the holiday. During … Read more

A Dozen Things Learned During 2016

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After I kept a list of things learned last year (for 2015) I found it fun to log such new facts and ideas.  My list may be very different than your own might be, but hopefully some of my dozen may be candidates for your list too.  Truth be told, it turned out there was … Read more