Gift to Myself — the Best Gift of All

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Short Post In our culture, when December rolls around, the thought of “gifts” is typically close behind. Despite mutual lamenting over commercialism and merchandizing of the season, concentration on gifts is the common focus. So December is here, and keeping with the unlikeable tradition, I have a gift planned for myself. One of the best … Read more

Boomers Boxing for Balance ….. (including Pugilism for Parkinson’s)

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During one week last summer, I heard the same serious story from four people. Janice (a relative-in-law), Anna (a neighbor), John (an acquaintance and ‘classmate’) and a woman from California I met briefly as we both basked in the sun outside the Oregon Shakespeare Festival – had all recently been diagnosed with Parkinson’s. However, as … Read more

Alzheimer’s Connection – Concussion vs. Head Injury

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I have had only a couple fender-benders in my driving history. Each passed with little notice or repercussion in my life. I’m not unusual. Fortunately, few of us have experienced dreadful injuries or major auto accidents in our past.  Therefore, the thought of head injury is generally on the back-burner. And most often when “concussion” … Read more

Someplace We Call Home (Mini Post)

Iceland somewhere called home

I have a peculiar habit. Perhaps more than one, but this particular reference is about saying “let’s go home.” What’s strange is that I use the phrase when I simply want to return to wherever I am sleeping that evening – luxurious hotel, friend’s abode or a camping hovel. No difference. My mother used to … Read more

Brief Thoughts on Kindness

Be kind sticky note

Occasionally, I still run across timeworn, washed-out signs sayings “Commit Random Acts of Kindness.” It’s difficult to fathom that such a sweet sentiment could circulate widely when in the news “random” is often followed by “violence,” “gunman” or “shootings.” Worse yet, is that tag words such as  “another” or “all too often” are the descriptive … Read more