PICTURE THIS. Learn 10 EASY Tips for Capturing Quality Memories before Years’ End

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Note for Year End – This Covid-year has felt very repetitive at times. I hope to think of some creative ways for changing things up a bit during the last month of this trying year, and encourage others to do the same. I’m going to take some time to do that – and continue to … Read more

Are Dark Circles & Eye Bags Inevitable as we Age? Yes, No, Maybe

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My sister-in-law has a truly lovely face, but often laments the dark circles under her eyes. My husband does too. In fact, all the siblings suffer from what they affectionately call the “family eyes.” (Of course, they use their name.) A branch of my family also has that frequent dark, sunken look. As we will … Read more

Eating on Day of the Dead — & What About the Butterflies

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Día de Muertos, or Day of the Dead, is still alive-and-well. In my house, even though we share none of the cultural background, we have built our own tradition in acknowledgment of it. We’ve modified it, not out of disrespect, but on the contrary to pay tribute to loved ones, honoring their spirit, and that … Read more

What to Know about Blood Pressure Medications for YOU or a Loved One — (a Primer)

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When I was a kid my mother used to say that I was ‘about to make her blood pressure go through the roof.’ Technically, I had no idea what she meant; I suspect she didn’t either. But I knew the underlying meaning. She was annoyed or upset and I was the source. These days I … Read more

Sharing Evacuation List. Ready for Disaster? Think AGAIN.

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With Appreciation To all who have called, texted and emailed, asking about our fire situation in Southern Oregon, and expressing concern, THANK YOU. Your wishes extend to many in Oregon (and the whole west coast) who were not as lucky and have suffered greatly. drb   As I slump into my chair to write this … Read more

Butterfly Puddler — A Pollinator ‘Garden’ that Fits the Tiniest of Space

Butterfly image by david mark from pixabay 85628 640

A flowered ceramic cup with large saucer and jumbo latte. A cushy chair with low tables and view from the expansive wrap-around windows looking out to local shops and mountains beyond. A friendly smile from Lori, a new friend, and a couple of hours of random train-of-thought conversation. Both thoughtfully sharing planned professional projects. This … Read more