Gym Ball, Swiss Ball, Yoga Ball, Pezzi Ball? What is it and WHY would you Possibly want one?

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Note to Readers: Aging_with_Pizzazz will be taking a Hiatus. Keep up all your good work and I’ll be back with you in the fall. Upon mentioning my gym ball in a class recently, a guy asked me “well, what is a gym ball?” It was one of those moments when you stumble and wish you … Read more

What do CPAP machines, Neti Pots, and Contact Lenses have in Common?

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I’m conflicted about writing this piece. Mostly because I wear contact lenses, have friends and family who rely on their CPAP devices for a good night’s sleep and because I am an avid promoter of the Neti Pot. (If you’re not familiar with a Neti pot, it’s a small device for nasal rinsing that looks … Read more

What’s the Scoop on Cold Brew?

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I suspect it isn’t rare for any of us to suffer follow-up failure. Times we ‘meant to’ finish sharing a thought or a plan or information with someone and then it becomes too late. The opportunity is gone. I was unable to finish a follow-up conversation that I had with Alice, a person I really … Read more