6 Tips to Combat Muscle Spasm

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Typical of a child, when I was very young I was terrified when my father cried out in pain. What did it mean? Would he die? Where would I live? What would happen to me? As an adult, I realize that one, all children are developmentally self-centered, and two, my father suffered occasional muscle spasms … Read more

What ‘Sense’ Declines with Age? — MICRO POST

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If I asked what sense declines with age, I would wager that the last response I would receive from my readers is ‘common sense.’  Pretty much everyone on this blog would agree that common sense increases over the age of 50.  Perchance, it even increases on a forward trajectory curve – nearly straight up.  Certainly … Read more

How do you Stop a Charley Horse? …… Is Riding it Out all we can do?

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On a startlingly clear summer night several weeks ago, I was enjoying an outdoor grilling with friends on an upper-story deck overlooking mountains, with birds flitting in the trees next to us and a breeze providing the perfect temperature after an uncomfortably hot day.  Following a lovely dinner, a bottle of wine and a bit … Read more

MANY of Us will Experience Sudden BPPV …………………. So, Now What?

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One morning in early September, a bit late for a semi-commitment, I jumped out of bed — something I do not often do.  Like most of us I headed to the bathroom first.  However, by the time I got there I noticed an uneasy and unusual feeling.  Within 5 seconds it was worse.  Incredible dizziness … Read more

MICRO POST – One Trick to avoid Dehydration from Caffeine or Alcohol

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Having lived in Arizona for a long while, dehydration is an issue I don’t take lightly.  There are multiple levels of dehydration from severe to mild – and conversely good habits that aid in extra hydrating to ensure salubrious results. Technically dehydration is described as a bodily imbalance between the fluids consumed for healthy processes … Read more