Advantageous Alternatives for B/P

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Last year I took on a writing “project” about conventional medications for Blood Pressure (B/P). Ah, truthfully, I started out with a dual goal (didn’t complete it) – to cover conventional medicines and alternate remedies. I found it overwhelming, although a good reference for myself as well. If you found the B/P medication primer onerous … Read more

Avoiding Tummy Toot from Musical Fruit

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As an original Northeast girl, when March blows in, thoughts drift to ‘mud season’ (a typical Northeastern — half-joking — complaint). Next, I remember St. Patty’s Day and recall celebrations in Boston. If it’s chilly and cold, the nostalgic thought (craving?) that follows is often Brown Bread and Boston Baked Beans. Recently, I attempted my … Read more

Alzheimer’s & Diabetes Collude

Diabetes Insulin

What you can do to mitigate damage Partially I am writing as penance for the pie-plug on my last post about Pi(e).  So here goes.  I am obligated to take continuing education credits, and I recently took a course on ‘Reversing Diabetes’ and the different types – 1,1.5, 2 and 3.    “Really” you may wonder … Read more