Donald Duck and drb, but Hopefully Not You

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Common, but Solvable Postural Problem A good friend (I’ll call her ‘P’) is a tall, pretty woman, but with noticeably terrible posture. Frankly, weary of my insensitive commenting on it periodically, one night after a difficult project ‘P’ shot back “well, look at your slumped shoulders.” She was correct. Often when depressed or tired I … Read more

This Month is YOUR Choice (You Pick)

Door 1 & 2 Frame Erol Ahmed Fty5vsgifiq Unsplash

Somehow, no matter what we promise ourselves, the end of the year leans toward being frantic. The schemes may be different for each of us, but they are noticeable in complicating life.  Especially so when the alternative of having downtime would feel so desirable. Ah, sigh, just the thought of it. Nevertheless, the tasks take … Read more