Exercise your Squatters Rights

Squatting Woman Image By Publicdomainpictures From Pixabay 19112 1920

Multi-tasking may not be an actual skill (at least in terms of simultaneous enactment), but I like the idea of getting multiple benefit from the same activity.  Double-duty, if you will.  Switching some small way that I do something now to reduce a risk, or add a benefit, is something I will consider.  This consideration … Read more

Maximizing Your POTTY Potential

Toilet Frog Image By Merry Christmas Via Pixabay 1037253 1280

I have a friend who at one time found my suggestions for a bathroom remodel humorous after I said “the biomechanics of a lower commode aid in elimination for a more complete evacuation.”  I remember he look at me oddly and then guffawed.  I translated into graphic English for him, which I won’t share here.  But … Read more