Zinc – Necessity or Nauseating?

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Nothing hits home like our own experiments. My ‘case study’ (which I say tongue-in-cheek) alerted us to significant caution by the fourth ‘trial’ session. My ‘case study’ included myself and my husband, in which we tracked and learned about our own reaction to zinc lozenges. The Cold-Zinc Connection Why is zinc commonly taken? The Mayo … Read more

Alzheimer’s & Diabetes Collude

Diabetes Insulin

What you can do to mitigate damage Partially I am writing as penance for the pie-plug on my last post about Pi(e).  So here goes.  I am obligated to take continuing education credits, and I recently took a course on ‘Reversing Diabetes’ and the different types – 1,1.5, 2 and 3.    “Really” you may wonder … Read more