This Month is YOUR Choice (You Pick)

Somehow, no matter what we promise ourselves, the end of the year leans toward being frantic. The schemes may be different for each of us, but they are noticeable in complicating life.  Especially so when the alternative of having downtime would feel so desirable. Ah, sigh, just the thought of it.

Nevertheless, the tasks take over. Whether it’s yearly banking and insurance decisions, gift giving, ‘winterizing’ homes or closets, calculating your year-end donations, cheering up lonely friends, making last-minute health appointments, altering viewing habits to avoid cloying and schmaltzy TV specials, hours of baking, preparing annual greeting letters, attending holiday bashes or dinners, our calendar fills up. Oh yes, purchasing new calendars is on the schedule.

Reading a blog may be on the list, but perhaps not as regularly as usual. Knowing that, I often give myself a break during December as well, aiming to make my own life less frantic.

This month, I decided to give YOU a choice (1 or both) – watching or reading.

Choice 1 – Short Video Watching

Over the past few months, I was spending a good deal of time making additions to my video on the sister-project of AgingWithPizzazz – PizzazzEE-25. As I was doing that, I realized that some of my readers have never seen it anyway, changes or not. If you have viewed it previously, enjoy the variations. If not, realize this contains interesting points about movement in our lives. Just click below on the PizzazzEE video.

You can also grab the FULL app here –


Choice 2 – Readers’ Choice for the Holidays

Aging with Pizzazz has been published so long now (over 8 years) that I’ve had a few favorite posts that new readers to the blog have never seen. Here are two short articles I chose from past holiday seasons. Take your pick:

Gift to Myself – the Best Gift of ALL

A Present to Yourself – Essential, Enduring & Free

No matter what YOU pick, let me end with a wish for an interesting, healthy and hopefully relaxing end of year for us all.

Title picture: (Door #1, Door #2)  Photo by Erol Ahmed on Unsplash


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