Tiny Homes & Affordable Housing Tour

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Do you remember “field-trips?” When I was a kid in school, I so looked forward to these activities. My family was not “well-off” and if there were family outings, they weren’t the type the school would plan. No museums, historical spots, art galleries, or hands-on science displays (which were fewer in those days anyway). As … Read more

Time and Money at Tax Time

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I suspect everyone occasionally reaches a point where “something has to give.” Not the big life issues, but compounding niggling problems occurring at once, or too many items on your To-Do list. Like me, you might determine that you need to let something go – even if just briefly. With taxes due, among loads of … Read more

Insects & Health – The Good, Bad & the Ugly

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Equating insects and health is not my attempt at an April Fool’s joke. Honest. There’s a connection – a BIG connection – to our healthy aging and the little critters. I wasn’t totally shocked when I learned that insects represent 80% (4/5th) of the world’s animal species. That’s a lot. In winter, insect thoughts take … Read more

6 Tips to Combat Muscle Spasm

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Typical of a child, when I was very young I was terrified when my father cried out in pain. What did it mean? Would he die? Where would I live? What would happen to me? As an adult, I realize that one, all children are developmentally self-centered, and two, my father suffered occasional muscle spasms … Read more

Reading – Mental Health – Aging . . . . & My 2018 List

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As you flip your picture calendar this month (to February), it’s quite likely there will be images of hearts, flowers or lovey-dovey fantasies. I explored some on the heart portion in previous years when Valentine’s Day approached. This time it’s love. Not exactly the Valentine type, but instead Love of Reading. There are volumes and … Read more