The Aging, Forgotten & Unloved Liver

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Few people talk about the liver. Fewer still about the aging liver. Fewer yet about the connection between the liver and neuro-muscular-skeletal system. And what, if anything, we can do to protect the liver. I recently attended a workshop on the health connection between the liver and the muscle skeletal system. There is a connection.  … Read more

Top 8 Healthy Living Reminders for Older Adults this Fall – GUEST WRITER

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Note: Occasionally, AgingWithPizzazz has a guest writer; it’s nice to mix things up a bit. Andrea has a history writing for seniors. We have guidelines for guest writers at: Guest-Posting-Guidelines-for-Aging-with-Pizzazz-2022.pdf ( As the leaves start to change and the air takes on a slight chill, something in us knows that it’s time to snuggle up … Read more

Salty Ol’ Dogs (or not)

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You may have noticed that I’ve been missing in action a bit recently. The blog took a vacation. During this period, on a long summer trip, I spent time with a variety of friends and relatives. As you can imagine, that meant special repasts, fancy restaurants, sharing dietary restrictions, dining outdoors and home-cooked meals. Whatever … Read more

4 Benefits of Tango or Dance

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“Clap, clap, 5-6-7-8” calls Clay’s voice over the Buenos Aires accordion music. Around the town-recreation hall many lips silently count steps and the occasional head is bent to watch the foot work. Another Tango lesson has begun. Unlike other styles, tango is a “walking” dance. Typical ballroom dances may have ‘proven’ to you that “you … Read more

Zinc – Necessity or Nauseating?

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Nothing hits home like our own experiments. My ‘case study’ (which I say tongue-in-cheek) alerted us to significant caution by the fourth ‘trial’ session. My ‘case study’ included myself and my husband, in which we tracked and learned about our own reaction to zinc lozenges. The Cold-Zinc Connection Why is zinc commonly taken? The Mayo … Read more

Clogged or Painful Ears when Flying, Diving or other Activities

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As I sit down to prepare this post, I remember a glorious 86-degree day this past Thursday, but now there’s snow falling on recently-bloomed flowers and trees. It’s somewhat sad, since several of our favorites, like the peonies, are sensitive to the abrupt changes. Still, a new season kick-off is knocking on our door. Like … Read more