An ABN form could cost you LOTS of money. —Do you know what it is?

Logos Of Health Insurance Companies W.highlight

Does this sound somewhat familiar?  You enter a doctor’s office for the first time; you look around awkwardly.  You are handed a clipboard with numerous forms on it (unless you were instructed to fill them out electronically from home).  There could be a big bad surprise in that pile of……………..forms. Typically, people don’t LIKE going … Read more

MICRO POST – Does the Definition of Minority Divide this Country?

2 Sides Of Story Bridge Of Life Smaller

A party-neutral exploration. Under the ‘live and learn’ category, I had a recent eye-opening discovery myself.  While it was something I had HEARD before, I never quite put the historical 2 + 2 together.  Humorous too that it was in the political realm, to which I pay quite a bit of attention. A couple weeks … Read more

The Happiness Trap – How to Avoid Snares

100 Happy With Signs

I have a close friend who hates the word ‘happy’ and rather detests being asked if she is happy.   “It’s like a trick question” she once told me.   Yet, I know another man who adamantly insists that no matter what his mood changes are, he KNOWS that ‘happiness’ is the same as contentment (pure and … Read more

Passive Heating – for People – not just Places

Sauna Building 1

A post for April 15th (tax day) has to have some reward attached.  This one is special, containing an idea with both pleasure and benefit.  Before moving to Oregon we had a spa (hot tub).  It was relaxing and very little trouble – mainly because we didn’t own it and it wasn’t our responsibility.  Along … Read more

MICRO POST….. Pi(e) Day is Coming — A Celebration of the Ages

Pi(e) Licensed

I am posting this a few days early so you won’t miss Pi(e)day – a once in a lifetime occurrence.  On March 14, 2015 at exactly 9:26:53 am (and pm) it will be the long-awaited Pi time.  [These numbers: 3/14/15, 9:26:53 are the first 10 digits of Pi (π) the mathematical constant.] So let’s talk … Read more