One Ultimate KEY to Longevity — — Above ALL else

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A friend recently sent me an article which proclaimed that a blogger won’t be healthier or happier based on how many posts he/she writes or how many followers they have.  Well, well.  I sighed. Then I immediately thought . . .  I’d be way happier with more readers.  But I digress.  The shared article wasn’t … Read more

April Fools Hoax? There’s a New Organ in Your Body?

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I remember toting around the hefty Gray’s Anatomy book for years, like a preacher carries a bible.  Anyone who has ever taken anatomy classes, or been in pre-med or medical programs, has lugged the ‘anatomical bible’ as well. Admittedly, this probably only rings true for the “olden days” as I assume Gray’s is now typically … Read more

Can All Seniors HIIT Improved Levels of Glucose Safely?

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What do you think when you hear “blogger?”  I imagine that many people equate the term with someone who writes (perhaps even daily) about something of interest in their lives, or which they are personally investigating.  One example that springs to my mind is the blogger’s story that was developed into the movie Julie and … Read more

Quick & Easy Alternative ——— Immune-Boosting Hot Brew

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Before the winter ends, I thought you might like to read about a cost-savings tip hopefully useful year-long.  I came upon it by chance.  The difference in price between a home-made vs. packaged product is substantial; but either way, the health advantage is worth consideration. I sought a quick hot drink one evening, but didn’t … Read more

Income & Mental Health ………………. Does it Matter what Rung of the Ladder You’re on?

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As Valentine’s Day approaches we see articles concentrating on flowers, chocolates, love and hearts or some variation like heart health.  My Aging-with-Pizzazz variation includes health too – mental health.  Specifically, metal health from a societal prospective.  Maybe I have a little love snuck in here or there between the lines to honor the holiday. During … Read more

Heart Protection in 10 Seconds

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I love the small steps I can take in life to improve myself or decrease risks of ill health and injury.  Let me rephrase that: I love them only when they are small.  The smaller, the better.  Teeny, best.  This does not mean that I don’t attempt more significant changes, but success with the more … Read more