Effect of Social Isolation on Wellbeing not a Myth

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We’ve all read about loneliness in senior-hood. I know I’ve “been there.” Most of us have. Some of us experience it all too often, to one degree or another. I recently heard a statistic from my (current) home state of Oregon that shocked me. The state has the highest rate of suicide in males over … Read more

Top 10 Deficiencies in Typical Senior Diet

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Are you weary of articles and experts telling you how poor your diet is? You’ve lived this long, right? I too, may be guilty of these proclamations. However, my approach frequently brings the phase ‘grain of salt’ to mind. And of course, I’m not referring to the saltshaker. Our bodies are amazing, they can deal … Read more

Neuroscientist’s Advice on Memory & Dementia

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Late last year I had the opportunity to hear a (surprisingly) amusing lecture by David Tullar, a neurology expert specializing in memory. Now, who would expect to chuckle and even laugh out loud during a talk on Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) and other dementia issues? Especially puzzling to enjoy the humor as we ourselves age. Yet, … Read more

Creatures, Critters & Seniors – is the Health Benefit Real?

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I encounter human-animal connections all around me. Just consider some of the quirky ‘celebrated’ days in the last few months of the year. I’m certain I’ve missed more obscure entries, but here’s at least a partial list. Nat’l Hummingbird Day Sept 2 Nat’l Wildlife Day Sept 4 Nat’l Pet Memorial Day Sept 9 Nat’l Hug … Read more

Self-Efficacy, Health & One Easy Path Forward

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Ever weaken to the allure of check-out counter Enquirer headlines? Perhaps you shake your head (in disgust or disbelieve) and then pick out a more reputable magazine on popular psychology, science or health. If so, you’ve certainly seen stories about “self-efficacy.” In general terms, self-efficacy plays a role in how we think, act and feel … Read more