Seeking Elusive Moments of Perfection

Msaw Flowing Waters. Down 90

MICRO POST As a recent transplant to Southern Oregon, I am amazed by this lovely area where nature walks and hikes abound.  You can ruminate beside quick moving waters or contemplate under large looming pines. A myriad of botanicals grow here, but you still have to actually stop to smell those proverbial roses. It occurred … Read more

MANY of Us will Experience Sudden BPPV …………………. So, Now What?

Vertigo Spiral Small

One morning in early September, a bit late for a semi-commitment, I jumped out of bed — something I do not often do.  Like most of us I headed to the bathroom first.  However, by the time I got there I noticed an uneasy and unusual feeling.  Within 5 seconds it was worse.  Incredible dizziness … Read more

Does Camping Qualify as FUN? – Maybe Yes, Maybe NO.

Camping Fun Cropped

Now that summer is waning and the winds have started to disperse the smoke-drenched skies of the west, I can approach the question of camping in a more relaxed manner.  I may have the broadest definition of ‘camping’ than anyone you will ever meet.  To me it is any way to experience nature or sit … Read more

Tinkerbell is Alive – What the Power of Belief can do for You

Tinkerbell W.shadow Male

When Tinkerbell is dying and Peter Pan asks all children to clap their hands if they believe in fairies, I can’t quite resist clapping my hands. It’s not like the cowardly lion’s fearful exclamation of ‘I do, I do, I do, I do, I do believe in spooks.’ Instead it symbolizes a hopeful joy that … Read more

Making Your Food Safer – one easy tip.

Soaking Produce

In a previous post entitled ‘My Baker’s Dozen Safety Check-off List’ I left out one of my favorite tips. I mentioned the need to take steps to prevent food poisoning, but not a good solution. Equally important to preventing food poisoning may be removing pesticides on our produce (all fruits and vegetables). Food poisoning is … Read more

Herbs – a Good Investment or a Waste of Money?

Pill Head Person Popping Pill

I once took a series of courses from the University Of Colorado School Of Pharmacy, leading up to a certification in Botanical Medicine.  Truth be told, I have forgotten 99% of the information and know little more than any of you reading this.  But one point was strongly emphasized and so important that I want … Read more