Whole grain link to Aging with Pizzazz? ….Is it True?

Oprah loves bread!  How do I know?  She stars in a TV commercial in which she says so.  A Saturday-Night-Live skit imitating the commercial reinforces it.  Yes, everyone knows that Oprah loves bread.  I love bread too.  So, did recent studies make our day brighter or bum us out a bit?  The answer?  Yes!  Or … Read more

Nocturia – or just typical nighttime visitations?

When I was a little girl we occasionally visited relatives in a small rural hamlet in the countryside where New York, Vermont and Massachusetts are all neighbors.  Outside of Brunswick New York, which is itself outside of Troy New York, this little hamlet was multiple times removed from the ‘big city’ (meaning Troy). Even at … Read more

Maximizing Your POTTY Potential

I have a friend who at one time found my suggestions for a bathroom remodel humorous after I said “the biomechanics of a lower commode aid in elimination for a more complete evacuation.”  I remember he look at me oddly and then guffawed.  I translated into graphic English for him, which I won’t share here.  But … Read more

Are ‘Slips & Falls’ Inevitable as We Age? Maybe.

But what about Frequency and Severity? On a glorious autumn day with colors bright and 75 degree temperatures, I forsook the temptation to bask in the sun and attend a community lecture.  I wasn’t alone.  While held mid-day and with outside conditions as I descripted, the theater was packed, with only a handful of vacant … Read more

MANY of Us will Experience Sudden BPPV …………………. So, Now What?

One morning in early September, a bit late for a semi-commitment, I jumped out of bed — something I do not often do.  Like most of us I headed to the bathroom first.  However, by the time I got there I noticed an uneasy and unusual feeling.  Within 5 seconds it was worse.  Incredible dizziness … Read more

Making Your Food Safer – one easy tip.

In a previous post entitled ‘My Baker’s Dozen Safety Check-off List’ I left out one of my favorite tips. I mentioned the need to take steps to prevent food poisoning, but not a good solution. Equally important to preventing food poisoning may be removing pesticides on our produce (all fruits and vegetables). Food poisoning is … Read more