You’ve Got Mail! (Or….How to Brighten Someone’s Day.)

Heather Boyd card framed

GUEST WRITER Introduction: After recently receiving Birthday E-cards from my insurance agent, past realtor, and dentist, the idea that Dr. Heather C. Boyd suggested struck me more personally. I asked her to elaborate.  Hope you enjoy our most recent Guest Writer. drb   ………….. — Every year, and even at the current age of 95 … Read more

Pi(e) Day Revisited

Three years ago we celebrated Pi Day (on March 14, 2015 precisely at 9:26:53). Pi is a constant. Pie should not be. That is what I wrote about on that momentous day. Regardless of time passing, and upon review, I stand by my endorsements in that post, entitled “Pi(e) Day is Coming – a Celebration … Read more

A Dozen Things Learned During 2017

I have come to look forward to this yearly post more than most. In part, because throughout the year when a random research tidbit, news story or point-of-interest strikes me (health related or not), I file it away. Then as the New Year approaches, I am pleased to review them all again. It’s fun, and … Read more

Community Radio – My Experience as a Mature Adult. MICRO POST

Older voices aren’t always heard on the radio.  A friend, Kevin, once shocked me.  After I said I heard something on the Diane Rehm Show (now only available via podcast), he said, “I can’t listen to her.  She sounds like some old lady.”  First, she has a neurological throat disorder (spasmodic dysphonia).  Second, I briefly … Read more

Putting More FIRST(s) in Life. Boondoggle or Benefit?

I suspect I wasn’t alone during August as I grew weary of hearing about the “Great American Solar Eclipse.” You couldn’t escape it. Ten months before it was barely a blip on my solar radar, until my brother-in-law explained the historic significance of the unusual occurrence. Being alerted early, I actually found lodging not too … Read more

Fellowship of the Rope

I recently found myself in the middle of a make-shift reunion with some of my husband’s friends. As they met in our home, I played the quintessential ‘fifth wheel.’ At the same time, I had been considering a blog-nod to several of the friendship acknowledgement days coming up. Organizations around the world celebrate the noble … Read more