Nocturia – or just typical nighttime visitations?

Outhouse The Staple By Tracydekalb Licensed Cc By 2.0

When I was a little girl we occasionally visited relatives in a small rural hamlet in the countryside where New York, Vermont and Massachusetts are all neighbors.  Outside of Brunswick New York, which is itself outside of Troy New York, this little hamlet was multiple times removed from the ‘big city’ (meaning Troy). Even at … Read more

Bucket List Addition: Backyard Birding Literacy

Western Screech Owls Az Croped

I will never be a ‘birder.’  It takes far too much discipline and determination.  Not to mention the almost vow-like commitment to long trips attempting to view the winged creatures, and early morning rising.  [Are they really just morning people to begin with?] I am not even including the birders who devote entire vacation allotments … Read more

The Question should be HOW do we Teach an Old Dog New Tricks ?

Dog At Computer Photo By Pavel Herceg On Unsplash Zwoqd6ffcbs

I spend a great deal of my day at the computer.  Evidently, I am not unusual.  10-15 years ago I doubt that many people envisioned their later years, or so much of any year, to be spent in this way.  Retired or not-retired, we are on the computer. If the time in front of this … Read more

You’re a Pesca – what? … A Pescatarian? A MICRO POST

Kitten Image By Irina Kukuts From Pixabay.border

When I am invited to a home for dinner, I generally inform the host of my dietary restraints.  Truthfully, I would rather not say a word.  ALLOWED to ‘just pick,’ I could always find something on the table to eat, and I’m never going to starve.  But the host would be mortified or at least … Read more

Do we still ‘Make a Difference’ after a certain age?

Connie Picciotto Activist

Do people still ‘see’ us?  Do we continue to matter as we get older? Quietly over the winter, a long time woman activist left this world.  Lucky for us she left something behind – an impressive example. I didn’t know her well.  Yes, I met her once, but simply by accident.  You may have actually … Read more

Buying into ‘Health Bounce’ Fitness – But at $25 or $450?

Rebounder Feet 2

Recent Update: Since writing this post, I found a great website, which includes a good deal of information about rebounding and related products. I am sharing it here: — “Buy quality.’  It is an interesting directive.  Most people I have heard weighing in on this, whether friends, family or Hollywood celebs, tout the sentiment.  … Read more